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MARKET INDUSTRIE SpA Via G. Marotta 71 41123ModenaItaly
C.F. e P.Iva: 02974020360
T. +39 059 5690900
Press Office Italia
NEXT Agency – V.le Francesco Crispi, 5 20121 Milano
T. +39 02 36725630
Eclectic, conceptual, globetrotting. The concept of vintage and nomadic mix and match doesn’t scare her, but rather opens up new frontiers. Layered patterns, knitted fabrics, jersey and sequins define a fluid, laidback silhouette. Oversized shapes, deliberately relaxed. She has a strong passion for knitwear because it is comfortable, multifunctional and chic. She travels in silk pyjamas and men’s overcoats. Bold and independent.
Via G. Marotta, 71 41123 - Modena ITlun - ven 9.00 - 18.00 +39
Iscriviti e sarai aggiornato sulle novita' del mondo Jucca.